The Lunar Nodes are considered mathematical points between the Sun and the Moon. In our natal chart, this is part of our soul purpose, the lessons we need to learn versus the lessons we have learned, the gifts we brought into this lifetime. There is a North Node, which teaches our lessons and when we follow our True Node….HELLO SYNCHRONICITY!!! Sorry, all excited there for a minute, or two. There is a South Node, past life gifts, old behaviors, karma, that which we need to leave behind or utilize in balance with the North Node It is a time of realigning priorities.Well, how convenient.... When the Nodes change in transit, these are the collective lessons and gifts we have to work through. We have just moved from the North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn, lessons of money over home, home over money, or home is money. Many of us have learned that we would rather stay safe, nurture ourselves, our souls, and figure it out, while there are some whose heart is in the center of Capricorn. We have been seeing this theme daily for the last several weeks, until it fueled more change. Where the Nodes fall in your chart is where the energy will be focused. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler moves fast, traveling back and forth between worlds. He is a healer. He is a trickster. He is always busy, always curious, always playful, and sometimes just downright devious. We are invited to explore whatever house and planet Gemini touches surrendering to our mini lessons of life. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius holds a comfortable flare of abundance with his own lessons. Maybe we are becoming aware of some comforts that we are no longer meant to hold on too? Curious and energetic, just as his counterpart, Jupiter has grown used to the comfort that his quests have brought him. Where we have wandered big, we may now have to wander small. Where we have enjoyed the comforts of the outdoors, we are invited to participate in the nostalgia and explore things closer to home. Where we over-promised, may we now be clear and short about our commitments. Where do we need to leave our Sagittarian gifts behind as we are invited to take these skills necessary to go and hop on Gemini's side for a ride. Here in the States, we have built a nest of false security, illusionions for some and many of the comforts we have are unnecessary. First world problems. We may be dealing with a huge pandemic, but to really think about the comfort end,.....many of us have much more than other areas. Jupiter can also mean- too much. Abundance is awesome, yes, but abundance of what. So now, we are all given the decision to take a look at these comforts and explore the curious side of Gemini, shorter trips, more play, exploring new freedom, sharing, community, neighbors... I thought I would pull the chart, seeing what the birth of the Lunar Nodes had to offer us. . Sagittarius is rising at 23°, equaling the number 5, a number reiterating change, and with mostly cardinal planets, we are heading for the days of 2020 Pioneers. There is a lot of self work that needs to be performed on smaller levels before we move into the bigger picture, at least for this round of Lunar Lessons. The Moon is in Libra in the 11th house co-present with Ceres retrograde and the midheaven. Business will be through networking with friends, justice within your social tribe, dedication, motherly nurturing, diplomacy, and art may be prevalent. Our soul tribe, Venusian. The Moon is trine 7th house Venus in Gemini, close to Vesta indicating the sacred sensuality of playing and communication in your one on one relationships, the easy flow between people. Venus trine 3rd house Mars in Aquarius sparks interest in innovative ways to communicate and come together as a community, even as life partners. We are inspired to act and assert ourselves through shocking new ways. Self-expression and craziness may be pretty big. I have seen some crazy tik toks of my daughters since lockdown and on the adult end of things, how some of us have been separated from our lovers, there are some innovative ways sparking up in the bedroom.. 7th house Venus conjunct Vesta in Gemini square 4th house Neptune in Pisces, co-present with Nessus and Ceres can bring issues with boundaries in the workplace or a bona fide effort to turn your home into your sanctuary. There is a necessity to nurture at home, but there may also be more abuse with Nessus present. Illusions of love will tend to creep up for some. The 6th house Taurus stellium hosting Sun an exact conjunction with Mercury at a wide orb to Uranus squares and trines the 2nd//3rd house Capricorn/Aquarian Stellium housing Jupiter, Pallas Athene, Pluto and Saturn. With the 2nd house in Capricorn and housing the Stellium, I imagine we will still need to be quite resourceful and a bit more frugal with our money, all the while nurturing our shared nests as Cancer holds the key. A common theme throughout these last several months. The ease of building your foundation every day, shining with communication will be teamwork between Taurus and Capricorn/Aquarius. Taurus is sensual, physical, touch will still be a huge part of our lives as we find ways to work with what is not working for us.There is some hesitancy in trying new ways, but only because the new ways are so eccentric to us. New ways of learning. New ways of doing. We have seen the lack of boundaries within the home with COVID, but the sextile of Sun conjunct Neptune to Capricorn-Aquarian stellium pushes us to merge our words adapt, initiate, innovate, communicate, Aspects to these Nodes will either push you harder or help ease the way as we integrate the energy of simultaneous transits. These Nodes are all about ambitiously connecting in new ways, making deep connections, through balance, diplomacy between one on one relationships, networking, wisdom, and a whole lot of open communication. Transforming all that we were. We are over this superficial schisizzleness. What are your lessons these next 18 months? Natal Chart and Transit Consult
Have you always been interested in what the planets have to say about your life and your soul calling? Natal Chart and Transit Consult consists of a copy of your chart with instructions to cast your own chart and a free Ebook-Astrology Symbols. Please let me know your date of birth, time, and place of birth and what areas of life you are looking for guidance in. Please email [email protected]. Written reports will be emailed within 72-84 hours.
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