Hello, Hello, My Beautiful Soul Tribe! Happy New Moon in Scorpio. Have you written down your Scorpionic intentions for the month? I find it quite hilarious as I sit down to this blog on a Monday morning that Hawk is talking close to my sliding glass doors. The Universe is amazing in how it manages to get messages across and through my “Muddle modes.”
Muddle mode you ask? After many years and being in the pattern of loading on as much as I can on my plate, I have realized that if I am going to do that, I need a Muddle Day or two in between the work I decide to take on. It is my decompression/recharge moment. The latest lesson with my Muddle Days has been to STOP thinking about all the things that are on my never-ending list and to take a Muddle Day before I am worn down to high dysfunction, meaning bad choices and self-sabotage. Crappy food that makes my joints sore and swollen the next day, thought cycling that is not serving me, isolating myself from the world when I really need some social love, and the lack of motivation to be moving around like I should. The week after the Lunar Eclipse felt like a drawn-out tidal wave that was quite the paradox, quick, but in slow, persistent, steady motion, over this last week. Raw, overwhelming, emotional, and lots of purging. The last few months have been energetically busy on all levels. On my end, I had a contract with some clients that needed as much of my attention as possible and hustling the last week of October and beginning of November, in conjunction with an increasing client load. Collectively, I had several clients reel into the emotions of overwhelm that hung collectively in the air, and as I floated through as an observer, the person channeling those raw emotions. On my own end of the spectrum, “Hello, Lunar Eclipse in my 1st and 7th house, I had my own issues of self-worth, self-mastery, and memories of relationships come up that surged up some reflection and restructuring. Sleep, sleep, and more sleep, the time change adding to the mix as well. Jupiter and Uranus slowly cruise through Taurus, meeting up with my natal Chiron to push that self-worth to new levels, the peeling layers of awakening and being in my body. Uranus, oh lovely Uranus, the shit-shocker, electrical, lightning storms of epiphanies, bittersweet, brutal, and amazing, dancing a dance in his opposition to my natal Uranus in Scorpio, beckoning to call forward the freedom of my new self-image that is slowly being molded, and yet still calling for my fierce independence and freedom in the relationships I engage in. That is just one of the dances that a beautiful splash of a chart brings. I was made to be adaptable and move with the fusion of energy that celestial heavens align for me, continually working will all the planets on intimate levels, their archetypes guiding me to where I am meant to serve for the time being. Back to the New Moon, Venus sets the theme, as she did for the last two Eclipses, Libra, the rising sign for EST. Venus herself is at 5°, and the Ascendant at 20°, “A Jewish Rabbi,” indicated settled traditional wisdom, Venus, her Sabian Symbol stating, “A man teaching true inner knowledge.” Pallas Athene and the South Node are a few degrees away from each other. A beautiful energy to recognize old patterns that no longer serve us in whatever sector your Libra House happens to be. For instance, for my life, Libra is my natal 6th house. So everyday issues will be brought to the forefront. What is working in my life right now as far as how I feel and how balanced I am will be highlighted. Destinn is on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, Scorpio bring my one-on-one relationships and events will be churned through in regards as to what I hold valuable, tangible in my world. What needs to be transformed and purged as far as my beliefs of others and their position in my life? Destinn brings the events and relationships I am destined for, no matter what their medium of expression. Scorpio is a highlighted energy as we left the Taurus-Scorpio axis in July and Eclipse energy works for a good six months. A beautiful domino effect of purging as Pluto scrapes the crumbs out of Capricorn to create space for the new lessons of power. Pluto will dip back into Capricorn on September 1, 2024, that trip being his last final round until the year of 2094 sometime. The Sun, Moon, Mars, and Ceres are conjunct bringing a fusion that can hone some awesome tunnel vision. Scorpio is very much about power, giving away your power, claiming your power, or stepping into your power and staying stable in that belief and knowledge. “A woman drawing aside two black curtains,” is the Sabian Symbol for 20° Scorpio, the placement of the New Moon. We are being asked to step into remembrance, pulling that inner knowledge that you know resonates so deep in your Soul, to the surface and have Faith in your Future. It is our absolute Faith in the Divine that shapes how we manifest our future. This stellium of Scorpionic energy is gifted with a trine to Neptune and Spirit. That trine is part of 2 Grand Minor Trines bringing ample opportunities as Neptune sextiles Uranus and Pluto, and Pluto sextiles Neptune and the Scorpio stellium. The overloads are not playing any games and the importance of awakening is set through this continual Grand Minor Trine. Neptune equals unconditional love, the highest octave of Venus, shapeshifting, blurry vision, dreams, multidimensional, multiverse, creative, empathy, boundaries, and she is in her home of Pisces, sextile to Uranus. We discussed this ball-breaker, shaking and shocking remembrance into Souls, piece by piece, and Pluto in Capricorn, bulldozing through the patriarch and bringing the corrupt to the surface. While Capricorn, Pluto, and Saturn do not have the greatest reputations in astrology. Where Saturn is ambitious, ruthless as hell when it comes to attaining its goals, Pluto lends that energy as well, and combination of where power and discipline meet is continually testing those areas in life that are necessary for our growth. And remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, so Mars is at home with this energy, pushing the Sun, Moon and Ceres towards focusing on the self-care required to be conjunct with the elements of what Scorpio is bringing in your life right now. Mercury joins a trine to Neptune, but he is Sagittarius, his thoughts inflated in the idea of higher learning, adventure, dogma, and or travel. There is a mutable T-square, which is formed with Saturn as the apex at 1° Pisces. He just turned direct on 11/4. Have you felt the Saturn themes slowly churn in the external direction? Saturn’s ambition, discipline, and ruthlessness will prevail as he moves forward pushing the issues that Pisces encompasses. Spirituality, substance abuse, looking at life with rose-colored glasses, not seeing what is in front of you, but also seeing and feeling beyond. Where does Pisces live in your chart? Saturn is square the Scorpio stellium and square Uranus retrograde in Taurus, meaning there will be a push to discipline these themes and ruthlessness that can hone following your dreams and epiphanies that are rising to the surface. Even one little movement towards your dreams a day makes a dent in the distance between now and manifestation. This is how I interpret this Mutable T-Square transit in my chart. Saturn is located in my natal 4th house, and Capricorn (Saturn rules Capricorn) in my 9th house, Aquarius, (Saturn co-rules with Uranus), is my 10th house. Saturn is transiting through my 11th house right, pushing a disciplined form of spiritual ritual in my creative process. My spirituality is tightly interwoven with home, with my Sanctuary. Saturn rules that discipline as the ruler of my 9th house. My relationship with Spirit is steadfast, stable, consistent, and it is also a time where I have felt more drawn to be a bigger part of the collective and have been building that foundation steadily. The square from Saturn to Scorpio will add the tunnel vision from heaven or hell, whichever thought form I choose. Because Scorpio tends to have a darker energy that is about demolishing, focusing on my power and the thoughts that follow them is very important these months. I see the energy as a powerful, obsessive-compulsive energy to work for long periods of time as I channel the transformational energy Uranus is so beautifully lending. Self-awareness, intention, “creativity plus consciousness equals change,” that formula, my friends is directly quoted from Amy Dempster of Following Hawks. Whatever I can do to make my intentions stronger, the implementation of those intentions stronger and work with the energy that is available and in sync with my body, I am all for it. A Divine Almanac. The New Moon had some additional leverage with 11/11 just two days before. A beautiful portal of energy for beginnings and mastery. On 11/11/1918, at the 11th hour, World War II ended and a year later, President Woodrow Wilson established 11/11 as a day to remember all the soldiers who had died in World War I. So I am sending a huge shout out to those who served this beautiful country I was born in, despite the chaos that has been a constant spotlight in recent years, more so than I can remember my lifetime of 45 years on this Earth, Thank you, thank you, thank you for fighting in wars that politicians and elites messaged fiercely with fear induced propaganda that you were fighting for the freedom of our country. I am so grateful for your service to humanity. I thank you My Beautiful Friends from the tip of my toes for being here, for taking the time to read my blog. I hope that you find the areas of power calling you to step into this month, and the ability to focus those powerful emotions. Until next week.
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Adrienne Provent
Sushena Gypsy, Astro lover, Muscle Whisperer, a Multi-Passionate Curious Lover of Learning and a Definite Tree Hugger. I have made it my mission to educate, empower, and inspire others through my experience, knowledge, and inspired actions to follow and hold space for Divine Perfection. Archives
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