The Full Moon in Pisces will hold us captivated and alert with its amplitude of Earth and Water, making for quite the emotional breakthrough. At 5:53 am EST on September 10th, the Rising Sign of this chart calls for the dramatic crisis in action with its Ascendant at 29 degrees. There is still a strong Grand Kite Aspect and Mutable T-Square that will hold us accountable and the secret to this Full Moon is your willingness to surrender and act on the intuitive downloads you surrender too. There can be no change without the action set forth.
The Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces oppose at 17 degrees. Virgo, the organizer of earthly chaos and Pisces, the organizer of spiritual chaos. Both of these signs thrive in the action of chaos, the Tasmanian Devil in earth and water. The focus of how we love ourselves, our self-worth is the question here, and the practical aspects of how we need to get here to reorganize the transformation of our worlds. The Moon in the 8th house reiterates more transformation and our commitment to our transformation through the self-nurturing of our subconscious and our souls. At 17 degrees Virgo, the Sabian Symbol is stated as, “A volcanic eruption.” The explosive energy of long repressed contents of the subconscious, as described by Dane Rudhyar. What has long been repressed in your mind, and for how long? The longer, the deeper the repression, the more pressure, the bigger the explosion. At 17 degrees Pisces, Dane Rudhyar explains this as, “The capacity inherent in all great sociocultural images to unite the members of a community in a display of excellence.” Can you see where this is going in the world, in your world? Where does your Faith hold strong and the compassion and empathy along with it? It is more often through destruction that change takes place, mentally, physically, spiritually. The journey of life accommodating our reactions to the circumstances that prevail. Transformation excites me at its very core, but also does a fine job of kicking some hardcore ass as well. I am grateful for those opportunities as much as I learned to feel in the moment and the remember that these are just that, moments. Adding onto the ease on the fateful events of your journey are a trine from Mars to Saturn, adding a flavor of action and discipline that sends you running, and Mars sextiling Jupiter, amping up the start you need to make. Do you feel the excitement yet? You can take this energy and go so far, your intuition leading you along the way, your heart singing out loud, and your mind ready to focus and get your shit together. That is the most positive aspect of expression that you can intentionally use with this energy. I won’t even throw out the warnings of following the extreme opposite of this side. Do you want to shine in the light or in the dark? The choice is always yours. Welcome to the beauty of Transformation!!
Today, September 9th, Mercury is stationing retrograde at 8 degrees Libra at 11:38 pm EST. The chart of the sky deals us a Grand Kite aspect with the Sun at the tail of the Kite. Grand Kites hold an energy of free will versus fate and with all the Mercury action going, this fall backs on how we communicate. There is an emphasis on Mercury here, the rising sign of Mercury’s retrograde in Gemini, Mars in Gemini at the apex a mutable T-square, chaotic action for chaotic change. Mercury itself is the constant shapeshifter, ruling air and earth, Mercury facilitates to mold how we communicate, how we heal, and how we serve others. Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol of this chart’s Ascendant at 4 degrees states, “Holly and mistletoe reawake old memories of Christmas.” Can you feel the longing of connection to yourself and to others?
The Sun and Venus lie in Virgo in the 4th house, emphasizing the importance of nurturing in how we serve others, nurture others, and our deep-rooted beliefs, and the Universal alignment of the Sun’s trine to Pluto in retrograde in Capricorn in the 8th house trine to the conjunction of the North Node and Uranus retrograde in the 12th house reiterates nonstop the importance of awakening and transformation through our spirituality and service to others at this period of time. Neptune retrograde in Pisces is opposite the Sun, creating tension between ego and spirituality, and with the Full Moon just a few hours away, the tension will be amplified between our compassion and dreams and how we choose to serve others through how we serve ourselves. Are you committed? Neptune also sextiles the North Node conjunction to Uranus and Pluto in Capricorn, offering the gift of ultimate awakening and following your True North? What compels you to change this Full Moon, what ideologies have woken you up to a different tune? What no longer serves you that is hard as fuck to let go of in your everyday life? We can thank the South in Scorpio for that powerful transformative power of the past that comes back to haunt us, sitting right here in the 6th house of this chart. I like to think of the 8th house as our external forms of transformation and the 12th house as our internal forms of transformation. For most of us it is through external circumstances and those underlying issues most are not comfortable discussing, the secrets we share with select others that set off the process in which we decide to change. It is through the 12th house that we bring those thoughts and beliefs to the surface and where we most to go to ultimately change for better or worse, whichever direction YOU decide to go. Do you resist that transformation or are you a go getter and interested in intentional living and regrooving your neuronal pathways to create the life you want and habits that will support the change you want? Jupiter retrograde is also opposite Mercury, both holding at 8 degrees, the number of mastery and power itself. Tension is in the air, mostly definitely fueling us all to move in a direction which serves us on this journey. Mars who represents actions-in all forms, squares Venus, our feelings, the Sun, our focus, and the Moon, our intuitive and emotional reactions. There is chaos everywhere, but with promise of change, inner and outer. Balancing that of our intuition to that of our ego. The available energy is there to align our heart, mind, and soul. On the most positive side and intentional use of Mars in Gemini, he revels in multitasking and handling all this at once, while being sucked into the negative can leave you feeling scattered and insecure. This is an awesome time to think back to relationships and the ways you communicated, and how you served others, including yourself, in the past. Put down the phone, ask others how you can help, how you can serve their needs, and lay a compassionate hand on his or her shoulder as you ask. Touch communicates and heals in so many ways, and the advent of all this technology and the domineering unnecessary fear porn that has infiltrated our lives the last few years, we all could use more touch and sympathy in our lives. Interested in looking at where these astrological events are showing up in your life? Where are you being asked to balance your free will and the upcoming fateful events in your life? If you are interested in coaching sessions on your chart the beautiful pattern of events that perpetuate your transformation. Email me at [email protected]. I woke up this morning, in between worlds as I often do, with a big ol’ kangaroo licking and kissing my face. Now one might think I am totally insane, but I can promise you, you are not the first, and definitely, will not be the last. I think the kangaroo was trying to get me out of bed, as well as my three kitties kneading their way on top of me, their persistence did not match mine, because I pushed my kitties off and went back to bed to argue with myself.
It is a time in my life where I am sorting through another huge transformation. Stuck and paralyzed in a combination of emotions, not quite sure how to approach my website and bring together all of me, when in fact, that is the whole point of Dibble Dabble, oh My My Jupiter. I have been all over the place living experiences I manifested, including this aspect of life now. Not something I was aware of during my Great Awakening. So in the midst of this imposter syndrome and letting it go, and the vulnerability of speaking about my fears, emotions, and being stuck in the mud. I bring my newly recognized spirit animal to the scene, kangaroo. I am a chic who has thrived of being a spiritual warrior, with my 12th house in Aries and a stellium of Mercury, Venus, the South Node and Eros, I have lived this life before, had training, but in the 12th house, it is about bringing that subconscious to light. Regrooving these neural pathways, that only I am capable of. By no coincidence, this stellium opposes Pluto retrograde, reiterating the importance of psychology and power of the mind in everyday life, and true to the interpretation of my chart, I have had many a lessons built upon each other that have brought me to this point. It was August 17th, the day Mars in Taurus was conjunct my Ascendant, that I woke up in another one of those In between world moments and the phrase “Kangaroo” was loud and clear. I love those moments in life and thank my gifts of clairs- for these. It was only a few weeks before that I was “told to go to the bank and take care of shit today,” that saved my ass from having all my accounts closed and collections being called in in 3 days. A fine example here of Nessus in Pisces conjunct my natal Sun, a Saturn Opposition in the 4th and 10th houses, and an attack from someone who used to be close who decided to exact some unnecessary vengeance on my accounts. Did I mention how grateful I am for my clairs- and actually listening to them! So up and about, I pulled my Steven Farmer’s book out, Spirit Animals, and Duck Duck Go’ed, “kangaroo totem.” A moment of beautiful bliss with promise for the future. I mean, think of their legs, so strong, so powerful. I can feel the momentum as I watched videos of kangaroos hopping across Australia. And their loving demeanor on some of the videos. Oh, I just want to walk up to one and give it a kangaroo massage!! Kangaroos represent family, foundation, support, and the ability to gain momentum when things are starting off slow. They also represent abundance. And they are amazing. Did you know that after a joey is born and crawls into Mom’s pouch, these kangaroos mate and can conceive shortly after, stalling gestation until the joey in the pouch leaves 9-10 months later. Freaking amazing. Nature is amazing and miraculous. People, remember how amazing nature can be…. Even when it comes to our own bodies. So as kangaroo integrates into my life, I look forward to this crazy journey of my second Great Awakening. I am two thirds of the way there through rock bottom. The silver lining of letting my wounds and experience work for others. Transformation is a process, my pattern, one of around three years of everything falling apart, the big lesson in Faith and its many layers, and then life starts to work its way into a synchronistic bliss. The biggest lesson here in recognizing that one, I manifested all of this, from the get-go to now, two, that brings more power to my situation in the awareness and knowing that I am and will created each chapter around life’s circumstances, and three, that transformation will happen again, and I will be more prepared in the ways I was not prepared for this time around. Beautiful, beautiful life…. Adieu, my Soul Tribe. Stay intentional in each and every day! |
Adrienne Provent
Sushena Gypsy, Astro lover, Muscle Whisperer, a Multi-Passionate Curious Lover of Learning and a Definite Tree Hugger. I have made it my mission to educate, empower, and inspire others through my experience, knowledge, and inspired actions to follow and hold space for Divine Perfection. Archives
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