On Monday, December 13th, things ramp on up as Mars ingresses into Sagittarius at 4:52 a.m. EST and Mercury ingresses into Capricorn a few hours later at 12:51 p.m. What a beautiful day to set ambitious, ruthless forms of conversation with some fiery, lustrous, passionate, truth-seeking force. So many adjectives to describe the expression of these two active planets. As these days go by and motivation is hard to find, given the morons who think they are Gods and mandating decisions that should be autonomous, reading these charts and the power out there is more than motivating. It is enough to know how much energy is available to us and how we can take our own power and hold it fiercely, protecting ourselves, our auras, our families. On that note, one more thing to note is how damn grateful, so blessed, to be living in the state of Florida, and under a politician, who appears to be fighting for our God-Given rights. For a woman who was politically ignorant and made it a point to keep my ass out of the news and events going on around the world for years, this year has been an awakening in so many different facets. And although I do not regret my decision to have kept my distance, I do feel now that it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the truth, and the lies, that are being told from above, and from below. This year has been a year of deep diving into rabbit holes that have most definitely invited increased blood pressure among other health issues. But as a healer, the invitation of these wounds can only griffin themselves onto a further path and purpose in this long-drawn-out transformation, and ever-growing path to bring awareness, no matter what medium, or level of medium, that is. And so, as Mars sets his mission with the focus of righteous truth seeking, he wears the definition of purging and transformation full on, no desire to hide the ugly, the taboo, that appears to have been right in front of our faces all along, but only if we were really willing to see it. Mars brings his aggression, assertion, his impulse to the forefront of every minute of our every day lives. His emotions brash, his focus right on cue with Spirit to set the truth free in the arena of our self-worth, of how we really value our lives. Come on, is a free doughnut, or $100 really worth your precious life? Jupiter, his position as the apex of this fixed-mutable T-square to Mars conjunct the South Node opposing Ceres who is conjunct the North Node, brings in the persistent question of how we will accept and change with the lessons needed to grow on our path, the ability to change amongst the truth that is set free, remembering the patterns of the past, of how many of our ancestors stood aside, or perhaps stood strong and free, bringing the basic concept of humanity and compassion to the forefront. Saturn stays strong, building their energy for the final square to Uranus for 2021 on Christmas Eve. No hoorahs yet, we are not even out of that neck of the woods. Those yellow stars that separated many, as the government, the “medical personnel,” conducted experiment after experiment of genocide under the guise of IG Farberundustrie AG, who subsidized into AGFA, BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst AG. Take a look, research this at your own discretion and see how many of these companies subsidized even further and the connections that are all interconnected into the issues going on in the world today. Hello, the Matrix! History always has a way of repeating itself, as most of us have not lived through these times, so many stories long forgotten or skewed in their truth, as history often does, depending on who wrote the textbooks. Saturn also happened to be square Uranus from 1928-1932 What events started shortly after this? If you need any more history lessons, Saturn also squared Uranus from 1974-1978, and 1998-2001. Most of us are old enough to remember the Vietnam war, or how awful the veterans were treated after their dedication to fight for our country, and the God-awful event of planes crashing into the Twin Towers. As always, charts never cease to amaze me with the gifts that are brought forth to balance the challenges we are meant to overcome. Mars trines Neptune, bringing a fight for spirituality and compassion, and sextiles Venus who is also conjunct Venus. This brings a whole lot of powerful obsessions, for love, money, sex, and her trine to Chiron, helps to ease the pain of the wounds or dealing with those wounds, an opportunity to transform this energy into something constructive. The Sun trines the Moon as well, offering emotional support to focus on the truth and that which builds our self-worth. Reiterating compassion and spirituality is Mercury’s rising in Pisces as well as Pallas Athene conjunct Nessus, the Goddess asteroid of wisdom, of analyzing patterns of Nessus’ well known manipulative abuse. Mercury’s emotions just as brash as Mars, and so willing to do the work, to speak or write the work, no filters as we talk to our tribe, invite our tribe to see the truth for what it is. Sagittarius holds the tenth house in Mercury’s chart, the ability to be over righteous versus right on about what is sacred to our own souls and our ability to make those decisions that save our lives, along with the lives of others. I can not reiterate enough in my writings; how formidable our bodies really are. Our immune systems with the cellular coding to every single disease known to man encoded is in our DNA. And you must remember, science has yet to discover what the other eight strands of junk DNA really exist for. It is only our state of mind and the congruence with the state of our bodies that MAY trigger one of these diseases, albeit cancer, a cold, a virus, an autoimmune disease. Fear, such a huge trigger that has the ability to shut us right down, or if there is some strong warrior inside you, strong enough to tell Fear to “Fuck off!” bluntly put. If you are a little more on the compassionate side, you can gently speak with Fear, letting it know it has no place in your life at this point, even as so many people in position of power seem to think it is okay to encourage that Fear for their own agenda. Honor your soul. Honor your time here on this Earth, or in this dimension. We are but vessels with a temporary body to sail through the ocean of this time. If you are interested where these events lie in your own charts, email [email protected]. Stay strong and positive, and, make the best of the last two weeks of this fiscal year!
Most New Moons excite the hell out of me. I get happy and excited at the prospect of sitting down and setting my intentions for the month. It is a ritual I have been performing for over the last seven years, when I decided to dive even deeper into astrology for the umpteenth time since I turned 13. I still have my first astrology book, The Complete Book of Astrology, by Marshall Cavendish Limited 1992, a memory that I go back to often when I need to remember how to draw a chart by hand. An art that seems to be long lost in the age of being dependent on the quick casting of charts through Astro.com or my Solar Fire program. And to top off patterns, this book was published when the North Node was in Sagittarius, my natal eighth house.
Drawing a chart by hand, is metaphorically and perceptively like learning how to do a manual blood pressure. The art of listening for that first thump, after pumping the air up to 180 on the sphygmomanometer, if they have a semi normal blood pressure to begin with, and then listening for that last thump to read the diastolic measurement. If you are proficient enough with experiential wisdom, you can read the sphygmomanometer by the bounces from systole to diastole, no prob. I prefer manual bps any day, especially knowing how some people just electrically screw up the electrical monitors. Western medicine fails to recognize that us humans, some humans, can affect electricity in odd ways that make no sense in their perception of “Let’s book a patient for a 15 minute slot and pretend we have a relationship that actually heals.” I digress in my passionate condescending judgement of what western medicine has become in its more- now-than-ever iatrarchal phase. So, let’s get back to the passion part. New Moons and Lunar Returns are my favorite times of the month where we can sit down and ritualistically intend to set desires, intentions, and wishes. It works. It really works, especially when your feelings are on cue and the intentions match the sign and house in your natal chart, and of course, there is more analytical patterns of intentions of reading your Lunar returns that makes the intentions set even more powerful. Eclipses are known to be extremely powerful, and many alchemists, astrologers, and magicians meditate more than performing any kind of spell work because of how awry eclipses can be. But spells begone, our emotions are at their peak around eclipses and it is those emotions and our reactions with those emotions that really set the pace for the six month conjecture of events that karmically bind us to our journeys. Saturday, December 4th at 2:43 a.m. E.S.T., we will have our last Sagittarian eclipse until 2029. (Watch another attempted “Great Reset” happen). This New Moon/Solar Eclipse brings Libra as the Ascendant, Venus, it’s chart ruler, the lover of love, of relationships, of sensuality, of equality and justice to these new beginnings. Sagittarius conjuncts Mercury in the third house of seeking truth through communication and learning, through our relationships with our communities. Mars hangs out in the realm of self-worth, pushing our limits of transformation, his square to Chiron and Jupiter amplifying our need to reassess the tangible and nontangible things that keep us alive, to transform those wounds that have jaded us and moved us far away from what is actually important to the essence of our souls. Neptune, the planet of spirituality, of dissolving boundaries, heavy and emotionally bound, shapeshifting into one’s soul so that you compassion and devotion may be felt as if whatever you have found is now a piece of you, turned direct at 8:23 a.m. EST on December 1, 2021. Although Neptune holds its position in direct or retrograde motion for about 6 months either way, when it changes it direction, the slow and steady churn is intense, like a cruise ship slowing down and the rotors at full speed to turn with thousands of gallons of pressurized water flowing through its propellers. Neptune has been strong and steady at 20° Pisces since October 15th and will reside there until January 16, 2022. The Sabian Symbol, “A table set for an evening meal,” speaks of destiny, of manifestation for that which is near. The light at the end of the tunnel that rewards you with a full belly, or the socialization that fills your heart with pleasure as much the food on your plate. To further reiterate Neptune’s pause at 20°, Jupiter, her traditional co-conspirator of Pisces, the never-ended optimist, Jupiter, rules Neptune’s mission this time around. The Sun conjunct Mercury and Vesta, and the South Node, in its most pure degree of any sign holds a tremendous amount of energy geared towards a sacramental focus, an optimistic quest for integral communication and knowledge, motivating us towards discernment of castigating patterns of abuse in our own psyche and finding the love and compassion to persevere with authority, standing firm in your commitment and dedication to preserve your self-worth, of yourself, of your family. Remembering history, that is being censored at every moment, at least on an artificially intelligent level in the form of our glorious internet. Remembering history, from the elders who have lived through the history of segregation, and the history of life in its purest form of simply being Earth bound and having the God-given beautiful immune system that has let the human species live for hundreds of thousands of years, passing down a cellular memory that has made each generation more efficient, much stronger, to the year we are at now. The Sagittarius stellium trines Chiron, bringing our wounds to a place where we can not escape the unavoidable power of healing and transformation. Surrender, my fellow humans, surrender. To resist the truth, the power of the truth, love, and the fight for autonomy, for freedom, brings grave consequences, so many of them yet to be foreseen. The Moon and Mars in Scorpio urges us to release what the lies we have been indoctrinated with to believe that is freedom, the truth, set right in front of us for years. We know, we simply know. It is about taking the indoctrinated fear and setting it aside with very simple common sense. With cellular memory that has been built, steady and strong, it’s foundation, changing to a higher power’s own accord. Not that of any human. Our emotions, the Moon, motivate us, as it squares Saturn, and Saturn squares Uranus, to shake the shit out of us and show us how much a part of this Earth, the place we were either born through a vaginal canal, or brought out through a human uterus, to exist on this plane, here and now. Our feet touching the ground, our bodies bound by gravity, the electrical shock of realization to this simple, well-versed continuity that makes the human species the “most superior” of all species living on this planet. And, oh yes, these feelings, these emotions are huge, I tell you, as the Moon trines Jupiter and sends its waves of new age communication acceptable, available, and the willingness of those characteristics to fight for. We see this with Mars squaring Jupiter, urging remembrance to reconstruct our memories, our subconscious, in the form of harsh, but accessible truth. With the Moon squaring Venus and Pluto, we can add an obsessive, non-stop quality of feeling and drive even deeper to this issue. Mars also trines Neptune, and sextiles Pluto, bringing the gift of accessibility, of fighting for our spiritual memories, our spirituality, in whatever form that has served our ancestors before us. While our memories may pull us in deep, the quincunx between the Moon and the North Node puts each and every one of us in a predicament of following our ability to communicate and move forward with our destined lessons while we focus on the big picture ahead. Ceres conjunct the North Node suggests the competence to care for ourselves through the love language of communication. This communication can simply be mirror work, for Gemini rules the seventh house this round, the ability of being our own worst enemy as we keep ourselves close and aware, can make us or break us more than the keeping our external enemies just as close. Neptune’s message, in her watery heaven of home, these next six months asks us to work on ourselves, the way we approach the world with our projections, the value we hold on our lives, the spirituality of our very core and our home, the place we where we find sanctuary, our creative passions, our children, or the romance that fuels the motivation to live our life each and every day, and the relationships, good and bad that bond us to the world. It is that simple, to fix our inner lives before we can even conceive of fixing the world. Interested in where Neptune’s collective message falls in your chart? Email [email protected] for an astrology or oracle card consult. Find your peace in each and every moment. Happy Holidays! Are you up for the challenge this month? The last month of this fiscal year 2021 equaling the number of five, doted in the energy of change, before we move into the year of focusing on domestic issues and service to others. There are quite a few things that need to be ironed out, too many to talk about on the collective sense here on my website of Dibble Dabble right now, but on an individual level, where the planets, points and aspects lay in your chart, these can be more specified and more directed, only fueling your inner healing to ripple through the rest of world. You are the rock being skipped along the water of whichever pond you reside.
Starting off on December 1st, Neptune stations direct at 20° of Pisces, it’s home sign. Jupiter, Neptune’s traditional co-conspirator, ruling Neptune’s mission this go around. An ease of optimism, compassion, and soul-searching truth as our subconscious revolutionizes our emotional actions. This is the key to Neptune’s journey, fixed on change. Mars begins his journey of squaring Jupiter on December 3rd. Action versus faith, assertiveness versus optimism, release verses humanitarian change. Just a few things to think about before the Solar Eclipse at 12° Sagittarius. Our second eclipse of this season packing a punch for the last of the Gemini-Sagittarian lessons that we have been learning these last 18 months. December’s Solar Eclipse/New Moon encompasses the idea of relationships, gathering in our community to remember and release, but yet hold steadfast in our boundaries and traditions of the home. Initiation of beautiful, powerful change to rise above. Venus sextiling Neptune, her higher octave while she conjuncts Pluto and sextiles Mars, completing a Grand Mini Trine to Neptune. Oh yeah, baby! Be optimistic in the healing of warriors and profound change to rock us to the core the next six months. Time to hold beauty and relationships on the forefront. To push up through this change, the Moon forms a mutable T-square to the nodes, with the North Node in a wide conjunction to Jupiter, and Mars conjunct the South Node on December 9th. Both Jupiter and Mars in fixed signs, reiterating the persistence to change. Chaos abound is the name of the game in our lessons as the Sun squares Neptune on the 10th. Increasing that spiritual chaos, a wide orbed T-square with Jupiter as the apex, pushes optimism at the most collective and individualistic level. Complete autonomy in our willingness to fight and relieve such bullshit behind. On the 12th, Ceres, the asteroid Goddess of seasonal change and the ability to nurture that change, joins the North Node in the fixed/mutable T-square. Jupiter, still at the apex, squaring Mars in Scorpio conjunct the South Node. This is some intense energy, Ceres pushing for the change of seasons, the change of the way we communicate with each other and our community, a hard balance when Mars just wants to kick ass and set the whole damn world of evil on fire and purge the deepest of the deep, the oldest of the old. Ceres trines Uranus, adding a flare of revolutionizing creativity, along with the opportunity to two-fold that with Jupiter sextile Uranus, and sextile Mercury. Creative communication and loopholes abound. Jupiter will push us through this month with his square to the nodes, both lessons needed, and lessons relieved playing together simultaneously. |
Adrienne Provent
Sushena Gypsy, Astro lover, Muscle Whisperer, a Multi-Passionate Curious Lover of Learning and a Definite Tree Hugger. I have made it my mission to educate, empower, and inspire others through my experience, knowledge, and inspired actions to follow and hold space for Divine Perfection. Archives
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