Hello, Hello, My Beautiful Soul Tribe! How are you doing this week? How has the Solar Eclipse energy felt in your life? I have been steadily working energetically and physically, the weeks surreally fusing together like pouring paint that swirls and rolls down a canvas. It has been invigorating, motivating, and well. On the Mom side of things, my baby turned 14 this week. I am thrilled and sad at the same time to watching my gorgeous girl turn into a woman, my pride in how she handles herself, her ambition, the way she maturely speaks with her friends and addresses issues that in my day, would have been a bit uncomfortable. I find that a bit hilarious even though I can still feel the depts of insecurity that kept me so uncomfortable for ages about what others thought, more specifically, their feelings I felt. My Uranus opposition and the beautiful wisdom of aging and reaching my breaking point, stopped the need to repress most of what I have to say these last several years. I am so glad, and extremely grateful to be here in this spot of confidence, along with the ability to let words pour out. I am enjoying this newfound claim of myself that, simply put, I refuse to apologize for anymore.
There are several epiphanies that came through this week. My work with Reiki and Bodywork I was impressed and awed and ready for more, listening to my clients having their own breakthroughs and feeling absolutely excited about their moments of awakening, although some were unaware that that was even happening. The idea that Source is the All and where some entities thought they could prevent certain things through their poison, the strength, Faith, and awareness was busting that shit up!! Yes, excited to see where poison is not working, offering a renewed Faith, a deeper Faith, that sends those roots even further into this new crystalline grid. And here we have the Great Awakening. This was an idea that spewed forth after listening to some of these stories this week. As the Solar Eclipse shined so beautifully conjunct to my Pluto regrade conjunct Merlin and Vertex conjunct Anubis and Queen in my 6th house, Chariklo, Kaali, Orpheus, Sekhmet, and Daphne were in opposition, pushing the balance of subconscious creative kundalini shamanism and the profound meaning of it all was laser beamed into new ways, the potential there for the moments I will address and deepen those relationships. Not to mention the gifts of trines to my Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, the sextiles to my Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Sagittarius, and yes, I will call the hard core-get-your-ass-moving-motivators to my Mars in Cancer, and Ceres in Capricorn, gifts as well. The push to honor my gut, hone my intuition on ever deepening levels, it’s natal Grand Trine to Uranus and my Sun offering their own depth of creative, enlightening spiritual endeavors. I am psyched. I love how in moments of old habits, I feel the push, find that beautiful nudge to just take one more step. And this is just the Solar Eclipse, we have until October 2nd of 2024 until the final Solar Eclipse in Leo, the South Node traveling through Libra and the North Node through Aries, to accept and work with the downloads and lessons these ecliptic events again. This weekend though, we are in between worlds, our Lunar Eclipse on the 28th being in Taurus and Scorpio. The Nodal lessons that deepened the lesson of ancestral layers as Scorpio ruthless purged and rummaged with his usual aggression. I worked a few of those eclipses last year in memory care, and holy cow! It was very easy to pick up on the theme when 95% of my patients came up and started talking about their parents as their memories regressed to their childhood. I was quite enamored with this energy and in complete amazement. Needless to say, I am quite excited about the upcoming energy of this eclipse in its finality until its next cycle in 2051. The North Node will be traveling through Scorpio, the South Node through Taurus in 2031. We are pushed to reflect on these lessons, feeling into the transition between the nodal axis. The lessons, what we must let go, what no longer serves us, our gratitude for those lessons, our relief of those thing we did let go of, creating space for how and what will trigger us to new levels of consciousness, to bring back, to remember, the relationships, our soul tribe. Remember Aries is about the self, beginnings, seeing the world through a new lens, feeling our way through this new lens, and Libra, beauty, what holds us in awe, what helps us connect, where we find balance, and justice through love. Yes, love. After all, Libra is ruled by Venus. She wants nothing but beauty, and love, and to feel, and to encompass that fusion together to create relationships, at whatever level or theme that may be. Speaking of reflection, the idea of “the Great Awakening,” has been rolling around in my head since the Eclipse. I have spoken about my “Great Awakening” a bit in some of my recent posts and I felt the need to elaborate of the definition. I have been gulping up so much knowledge recently, well, always, but this time, the knowledge has expanded in its dimensions and levels. As I listen to clients speak of their own experiences, I hold space for them, for Gaia, for the Source. The biggest part of my Great Awakening in the beginning was the purging. The purging of emotions, of hurt, betrayal, of lies told to me on the most recent levels, loss, grief, you name it. It mostly had to do with the relationships I chose to get myself into looking for love as I threw my self-worth and boundaries down the tubes, creating some very toxic events. Somewhere in that mess, I had to remember what was possible, what I could do, and that dreams really could come true, and the ability I had to co-create with the Universe. This time around, although there have definitely been themes with layers upon layers of realization and recognition to those issues mentioned above, it occurred to me that Sprit has been there from the get-go, taking advantage of events in my life to show me synchronicities and my abilities to tune in. I think back to my childhood and how often my mother told I spoke to my dead relatives, or how I rolled around in the grass, playing with dandelions while making crowns and blowing wishes, listening to my grandmother yell to stop playing with weeds, my defiant answer and self at 5 adamant about how they were certainly NOT WEEDS. Innately knowing they had their deeper purpose. Or my relationship with snakes, and the trees in my backyards. The maple tree, the lilac tree, my favorite mulberry tree and running barefoot with purple stains on the bottoms of my feet. Standing in front of the evergreens at 8 years old as my father prepared to cut them down, vehemently protesting. The tiger lilies and rose bushes that lined the fences. I played in nature as much as I could. I ran away to nature, always feeling at home. And the animals I would bring home or fall in love with. Gees, still happening at 45. The Great Awakening is about remembering. Remembering what we came here to do. Remembering we are not alone. As a woman, remembering our Divine Femininity, how the Divine has been sequestered and violently punished if it has not been on the patriarchs’ term. In fact, the patriarch seems to have had every intention of us not ever knowing the Divine, both the Feminine and the Masculine. From not allowing anyone under a certain class to read, burning women, and men, for knowledge of herbs and accusing them of witchcraft, for demanding that there is only God to be worshipped in their way, when thousands of years, other forms of “relationship with Spirit was revered.” Stealing land and thousands of massacres to take that land and that demand conformity to that to that religion. Really? The list goes on and on through the thousands of years. Religion became government, running the Nobility, and Kings and Queens, just as demanding to conform others, and if not, death and exile as penalties. Feudal systems, slaves in every single race known to man, not necessarily due to color, but as a socio-economic form of control. When religion began to lose its credibility, we can see how it split up and moved into medicine. I mean, as a nurse, I watch, and still do, see extremely condescending behavior towards patients, dismissing their intuition, just because they have not gone to school to be educated/indoctrinated. Oh yes, I so did say that. Somewhere along the line, medicine forgot that it takes two to tango, or sometimes more. The patient, and the patient’s Soul giving permission and willing to do the work, and the doctor listening, palpating, and honoring the patient’s knowledge of their own body that they have lived in, and then flowing with that intuition and knowledge to facilitate the process. Can you tell, just a bit passionate about this. There will definitely be more to come of those opinions. But back to the Great Awakening. Because it is all of those events that have led people to idolize individuals and reject their own intuition, causing deep insecurities and issues of self-worth. I want to emphasize listening to your intuition and discernment, and standing in your own power to advocate for those gut feelings that creep up or hit you like lightning. You have your own way of really knowing your truth. You have your own mission to work with Source, and all of Source’s components. And Source knows how to get your attention, to speak to you in whatever language you understand, whatever muscle you practice. Listen, learn, and go with it. Enjoy this beautiful experience, even if there is some chaos in it. The beautiful cycles that help you learn what you really want, or don’t want, for where you are right now. Embody these moments, my beautiful friends. I am holding space for those of you in the beginning of your Great Awakening. I am excited for you. Those of you who are working on your next level of awakening and going through the contraction phase, and the expansion phase, I am holding space for you as well. Make these next two weeks a moment to honor the beginnings as endings occur and endings as beginnings occur. With that, I leave you in that space and send you gratitude, and love from the tip of my toes.
Hello, Hello, Beautiful Souls!
OMG! What a beautiful week. Actually the last several weeks have been amazing and have passed by superfast. I have working hard and diving into energetics and the physical realms of ancestral healing, building my practice of integrational body, mind, and soul work, crystal loving, earth keeping, and Reiki, along with some major self-work that has been calling out to me. It has been a beautiful journey, even through some of my purging healing crisis moments, and knowing that in those moments that is exactly what was going on in so many different levels. I invited these moments to dance with so that I could open as much space as possible for the other side of this transformation, collectively and individually. And yes, collectively, a transformation that there is no escaping. I would like to address this, the collective transformation. There are those that know how to dance with this, have been taught, or intuitively know the process of leveling up spiritually, emotionally, physically, and then there are so many of us that simply do not. It is thousands of years of conditioning, each generation succumbing deeper and deeper into the propaganda that is fed to us through so many avenues. I was definitely one of them, and when my Great Awakening happened in 2011, it was three years of hell, and I do mean that in a very near literal sense. It has only been recently that I have looked back and seen all the little pushes Spirit had a long the way, and my intuitive senses were sequestered and squashed by others, by my own lack of trust, self-denial, and what not. But when everything seems to come crashing down all at once, it is really kind of hard to annoy. So onto the Great Awakening. Two near death experiences in the matter of a year, a sinister relationship of betrayal, deception, infidelity, stalking, a miracle conception, some deep, unconditional love, civil legal battles that were atrocious, an amazing boss/mentor diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a change of positions from a private office to corporate office in obstetrics and gynecology and the recognition of corporate evil , the loss of income from the inability to even be in the vicinity of such a place and the onset of awakening symptoms, and the knowledge that I read The Secret and realized that if I was responsible for and manifested all that shit, that I could certainly manifest the opposite. But nowhere in that book did they address the Healing Crisis, or purging, or transformation. It was all the possibilities, and like most Western ideologies, such as our history, and Western Medicine. There was a whole lot of shit that was mighty important, left out. So three years of reprogramming my brain, a six-month period of crying every single day, not being able to manifest what I desired, diving into yoga every day, animals coming up to me or flying around in circles over my head, seeing pictures, faces, things come out the tar, the clouds. Everywhere I looked it was like getting bombarded with messages. There were so many crazy symptoms. I felt like I was going insane. I remember trying to find some help from some so-called spiritual people. There was a time I approached of the teachers I was taking yoga classes from several times a week, and during a meditation, I had this surreal experience, and I asked her about this, she looked at me as if I had two heads. And the information on the internet was certainly not as abundant in 2011 and 2012 as it is now. To make this blog not so long, there were major markers that changed my life, such as my first trip to Sedona. I knew it changed things, but I was terrified when I realized just a small piece of it back to the airport, and definitely lengthened my torture with that fear for another year and a half. In 2012, the beautiful synchronicity of massage school started my journey up the ladder. After massaging for nearly 20 years at that point, I finally realized, and believed in myself, that I could make a career out of this that would provide and help me thrive as a single of Mom of two little ones, on my terms. And what a multitude of doors this opened. Such a passion, and touch, so healing. I became self-employed from the get-go, built my clientele, started remembering what I loved. I was able to work, spend more time with my kids, and put myself through school. I graduated in June of 2013, started up at the community college in the Fall, found myself an apartment, could afford lessons for my girls, started a relationship, started my bachelor’s degree at a University a few months later, became certified in Reiki (which literally changed my life overnight), and was able to barter a timeshare on the beach for a package of massages. That was just the first year and it was amazing. Three years after graduating, I opened my own office. My manifestations were working pretty damn quickly. I was adamant about writing down my New Moon Intentions every month, working on my intentions through journaling, and dove into so many different avenues of energy work. It was beautiful and amazing, even through some sad moments. But in that quick ass cycle of manifestation, I never fully appreciated the concept of celebrating my milestones, or integrating and processing all the work I was doing, nor did I invest enough in self-care when I opened my studio. I lost my daily walks, worked 7-8 90-minute massages a day, sometimes for two to three weeks in a row. So joy was lost, feelings detached, and burnout built up quick. And to add to the burnout, I decided to start Eastern Medical School, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. (I love some of the looks I get when I tell people I was in medical school and then say Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. As if this system has not been around for thousands of years and much more effective than other medicinal systems that seem to ignore the whole mind, body, and soul). Yep, Definitely the icing on the cake of burnout. And then, you know what happened. And I was so damn okay with the break. No more 4 hours of driving a day after 10 hours of classroom. I was able to start walking again, a lot. I fell in love, hard core, and I was home with my kids, kinda. By that I mean, I still had class all day long on Zoom (how the Hell do you learn acupuncture on a freaking computer?), my kids were on Zoom themselves, but they were falling asleep too, not engaged. And sometimes, being home with your kids all day long…uh..uh, not meant for some of us. And so began the next phase of transformation that led to a few years of intense anger, grieving, and some major changes. And conscious changes as I recognized patterns and changed my responses. I withdrew from school in December 2020, and my Soul shouted in joy. I also knew there would be things I needed to deal with that 7 classes would not allow to give the focus for where I needed to be. Can I tell you how thankful I was to listen to my intuition. And so the intro in a hellatious cycle. Thankfully, I knew what was going on, and I was able to handle my emotions, respond from a place that was much different than my Great Awakening, but there has been some mad ass-kicking. I had to define my purpose again and figure out exactly what it was. Because let’s be honest, education, pharmaceuticals, politics, Western Medicine, and the people I once admired, all developed a whole new perspective. And I felt like I needed to fight for humanity, for all the people that just had no clue and were letting themselves be lied too, gaslighted, embedded with fear. Yep, this level of transformation was tearing down layers, and layers, and layers. A beautiful, crazy set of moments for someone dealing with a Saturn opposition, a Uranus opposition, a Mars opposite Pluto, and a Neptune square, that just happens to hang out right on top of my Sun, with a Jupiter transit through Pisces, a stellium filled 12th house in Aries, and then joined Uranus in Taurus. Fun times Baby! Saturn is transiting my 11th house, joining Neptune’s journey, and I have to say how much I appreciate this dance. My spirituality has needed some grounding, a place to be brought back to in a different way, and some major ambition and discipline in the creative sector, although working through the paralytic fear and restriction that Saturn can express, has um, been part of the dance, and not so great at times. I have learned to hold space for those moments though, and my passion, my love, my need to dive deeper into helping the collective has brought back different modalities, amplifying their original status. And my commitment to honoring the integration and processing has amplified those layers as well. And that leads me to my Holy Fire Reiki Class Certification last week. I mean, I have already felt amped up since coming home from Arizona, and then the addition of craniosacral therapy, and the self-work totally intensified this class. And all I can say, is HOLY FIRE. There was some energy firing up like crazy, as well as some nauseous moments during some of our meditations. Our placements amazing, and the ability to perform Reiki through distance, a learning experience. A validation. The perfect expression of my Lunar Return, which happened to be on the second day of class. And the simple reward of listening to the signs I was given and a beautiful “initiation/graduation” present. My work on my clients this week, my work on other areas, amazing. My clients have noticed the difference, how hot my hands become over areas that need to be addressed. The work on myself and the changes have been amazing as well. I can not say it was as obvious as the first class I had, no literal overnight changes. The changes have been more subtle, reminding me to honor my self-care, to honor the need to rest and remind me of how intense energetic and emotional work is. I have felt my relationship with plants, animals and my relationships deepen, and my motivation, the will to move into action, such a relief to feel that. To be there. There are so many events these last few weeks that felt like stepping into home. The clarity, the remembrance, the people I am meeting, the synchronicities, all of these moments rolling into such a beautiful place, even through the outside stuff. The habits of not engaging in places where it simply does not serve me, nor humanity. It is so nice to be here. If you are going through some crazy shit. Some crazy, life changing moments, and not so sure where you stand? What the hell is going on? I want you to know. I hear you. I see you. There is necessity to be able to hold space for these moments. We are so used just pushing our stuff down, not addressing it, and when asked how you are, responding automatically with, “I am good.” Those moments where if you even say anything else, you may break down and cry, nonstop. I understand. I know. There are plenty of us out there that can feel that. That know that exact spot. You are not alone. You are never alone-unless you truly want to be. You may not be able to see them, the beings around that are there to guide you, hold you, but knowing this, feeling this. This is where the true transformation starts. So please know. You are a powerful, powerful being. And you are meant to be here. You have a purpose. You may not know what it is. But if you wake up, here on Earth, you most certainly are needed for YOUR GIFT. Whatever that may be. On that note, I send the most, most love, and a ton of feathers. We have a Solar Eclipse on Saturday. I am so excited and will be working on some beautiful projects. Until next week Beautiful Souls. Stay strong and authentic. Hello, Hello, Beautiful Souls,
It is Monday, October 2nd, and only five days since my last post. The Full Moon was beautiful down here in Southwest Florida, as she landed conjunct to my 12th house South Node stellium with Venus, Mercury, and Eros, the Sun, conjunct to my North Node. The South Node trines my IC and sextiles my MC, while my North Node sextiles my IC and trines my MC, meaning there is an ease, a gift, of the lessons I am meant to learn, and the behaviors that no longer serve, have this beautiful dance in my life that initiates my subconscious and beliefs, have come to a level of completion this weekend. Although I have no clue what is in store in the upcoming months, I have felt for the months the importance of the next few months coming up and that major changes have taken place. The last few months have not moved fast enough for me, my impatient mind wanting movement fast, but I have learned the lesson of processing and integration the hard way, and as age often does, the wisdom from the appreciation of these moments have not slipped by me. I feel as if months have passed by my days filled with listening to Amy Dempster’s Earth Keeper’s Podcast feeding my hungry mind that is remembering all the moments that have led me here. The moments that resonate so deeply in my soul. The moments, that “Awe, yes, I have already done this, been doing this,” and, “Yes, the layers, and going so much deeper!” My nights have been filled with the following my inspired intuition. Nights of diving deeper into my practice as a Shaman, talking to my pets, and trees, and plants, and every live sentient being that has crossed my path. When I declared I was ready, oh boy, did the Universe quite oblige, and so the energetic work has been just as intense as the physical demands I am privileged to enough to occupy this human form. As business has steadily increased, each day, more appointments made, and the boundaries of taking the time to honor my self-care, starting with my love of painting. Inspired to create and paint new homes for my Plant Friends Friday evening. The discipline to receive bodywork the next morning, then spend the day with my plants. The interesting conversations we had, and the new Snail friend that I made. Our conversation was quite amusing as he checked me out with his multiple eyes and slid around on my hand and arm, only to crawl up a planter to be face to face with me. Quite the friendly little guy! Some humorous water therapy in places I have never tried, before I made my way to the beach for sunrise, leaving my place at 4:30 a.m. to do the work I knew I was needed. And what a blessed morning, pitching my tent up on the beach and then heading straight into the salty Gulf for a long morning soak. The fish greeted me excitedly as they swam in their swarm around my legs. It was absolutely beautiful, the water just a little chilly, but my desire and need to move forward with my Guide’s suggestions, motivating me in ways I have not felt in quite a while. The Sun just happened to be rising in perfect alignment with my tent as I floated in between the waning Full Moon. It was perfect. When my fingers became wrinkled, I hesitantly walked out to fall asleep in the morning Sun. And oh, the journey in those moments. I could feel myself connecting to the Earth so deeply. My body taking the time to realign and reset in the water and to work its way through my sacrum as I journeyed in between worlds under Apollo’s loving touch. Magical, mystical, the messages that were coming nonstop. Although I am not so sure what some of these messages meant but knew I would know at some point in the future, when I was ready to hear, to listen deeper, or maybe, just be able to see the line of events that made those messages so significant. I made my way home after lovingly lounging to the rhythm of the Gulf. Walking in the house to love on my pets, do some housework and then head into the shower. I cooked myself some delicious huevos rancheros (an obsession of mine since my time in Apache Junction, Arizona), before sitting down to love my feet, massaging deeply, soaking, and then the ultimate pedicure while I read some of Crystal Reiki. After my toes were done, I was called to make some tea that would assist with Dreamwork, and off into the kitchen I went, listening to the Plant Spirits as they called my name and inspired the most delicious mix of herbs. I love this field of operation. So open, so receiving, so reciprocal. The night went even deeper as I dove into my crystals course with Krista Mitchell. OMG! That is all I can say. My relationship with these stones taking on a whole new life of its own. The excitement at these revelations, my experiences. If I could sing opera right now I would. My body quite cohesive with mind and Spirit. So….freaking….excited!!!! I could see the treatments I could bring on a deeper level to the table with my clients, and the wheels started spinning. So here we go, a Monday evening, as I sit and write this beautiful post. I had an amazing day with my clients today and two days of Holy Fire Reiki to prepare for, as it just so happens, during my Lunar Return. I take that back. I purposely chose to attend this class at this time. My Guides directing me to take it online, even though I really, really wanted to be in Arkansas in person. But I understood the deeper message behind their decision, and the timing of my Lunar Return chart. Total….freaking….perfection. This month will be a month I am meant to serve Spirit, the two Yods forming to set my mission for the next month in addition to the other Grand Aspects my chart holds, and the two upcoming eclipses. I am ready. I am psyched. And it is absolutely so beautiful to watch the magic unfold so quickly. I can’t wait to share all my epiphanies and this next week’s journey, or perhaps, I will be called to tell you about some earlier experiences during my younger years. We shall see what rises to surface. So, until next Monday, I bid you adieu and hope you know you can make a difference in this world, and that you decide to make your week the best week ever. So much love Beautiful Souls!! Hello hello beautiful souls, my soul tribe. I am so happy to be writing this blog post. To be coming back after such a journey. Fresh, renewed, my voice finally maneuvering to the rhythm my soul has been calling, demanding, and pushing for, yet my ego, its facets of fear, and other misplaced long moments of ancestral paralytics, limiting beliefs, and a burned out, scattered aura have held and led me, really, to the place I was supposed to be.
It might not make much sense when I tell you that, a confusing paradigm, yet as a long-time mantra of mine, “All is in Divine Perfection,” and I can clearly look back at my journey these last few years and see how every minute was needed, and every minute led me right here to now. It is 13 months since my last post at DDOMMJ, and so much has changed. We are encroaching upon an awesome Full Moon in Aries, two days out, with my last entry diving into the Pisces Full Moon interpretation. My attempt at these astrological events were chock full of information that I did not quite know how to condense and simplify the information for the masses. A job, I realized, that I struggled with and was not quite comfortable with. You see, my gift, at the base of it all, is Embracing One Soul at a Time. I am most gifted at bringing the individual authenticity of astrological events to one soul at a time. It is my core of everything to get quite annoyed with articles geared towards all Pisces, or Capricorns, or any other zodiac sign for that matter, and throw in predictions for what may happen in life, just as it is, more than frustrating, for anyone in the medical field to diagnose a patient, without really even knowing them in person, let alone palpating, and then giving some “general” pharmaceutical that is not synergistic to your body, and then tell you your time frame to its reaction. And guess what, if you believe what they say, that time frame may more than likely happen. But I digress. I bring the medical field into my metaphor because I have been trained as a nurse, have my license for it, and consider this last year a trip into the underworld as I felt the need to make going back to nursing a mission. And oh, can I tell you, a handful of lessons I learned, and so much has changed for me. And where I am right now, which is not in nursing, is such a beautiful, beautiful place. DDOMMJ, or Dibble Dabble oh my my Jupiter, was started because I embodied my Gemini Moon conjunct Jupiter as an expression of how many tools I have in my toolbox and the ability to multitask in so many ways, and the oh so scatteredness that my chart can symbolize, as I have all but one house with major celestial bodies in it, has expressed just that. A pretty scattered, multitasking life, with moments of strong focus, but the lack of knowing how to exactly hone in that focus, until recently, that is. My Gemini Jupiterian became carried away, like the Tasmanian Devil, unable to slow down until that brick wall was slammed right into. And this is how I expressed this part of my astrology. The coolest thing about astrology is that there are so many different expressions that the planets, their houses, and their aspects can mean, and hey, with what we know about quantum physics, the power of belief, and that whatever you think something means, it does, my mission in astrology has been to learn the feeling of these planets with my empath skills and use that knowledge to feel out the upcoming energy and guide my way with this authentic map of my stars and its relationship to the stars at what they are doing in this timeline. As this journey has beautifully evolved over the last 13 months, DDOMMJ has taken on a new meaning. She is now Dibble Dabble Oh my Magical Jupiter and GG Laigle, has changed to my name I was given at birth. A name I have embraced to fit all of my pieces in. Be it my more serious medical side (of common sense), my healer side, my woo-woo side, my warrior side, my ditzy side, and my just so happy to be me and okay with me side, Adrienne Provent. I will take you through my journey, if you are interested, to read, and at some point, hear. I have to warn you though, there may definitely be some deep, not so often talked about subjects. Actually, probably most, that dive deep into dealing with what we should be dealing with. Bringing the root to the surface through seeing, knowing, feeling, and holding the magic that every single event does, even if it seems mundane. There will be conversations about astrology, awakenings, the medical system, the body and my favorite organs, the muscles, the mind, the mindset, energy, the Universal Laws, or perhaps, I should be referring to them as the Multiverse laws, and whatever else Spirit pops in to say, “I think you need to share this message.” With that being said, I hope that you will join me, and continue to visit here at DDOMMJ. I am on a mission to build my tribe, connecting with other tribes, and holding that space for what feels like home. So, enjoy this upcoming Full Moon in Aries at 6°. I will be reflecting back on, sharing my experience and its correspondence to my chart and my life as I dive into a weekend of self-care, self-love, and listening to my guides. It will be a weekend of lots of water and remembering the beauty and joy of holding myself all the way into my body and balance my physical body as I walk in between worlds. And through this, I set the intention, that my stories may help you connect to your side, help you in finding that authentic voice you are craving to share, and somehow, life seems to make just a little bit more sense. Until Monday, my beautiful, beautiful friends. So much love. |
Adrienne Provent
Sushena Gypsy, Astro lover, Muscle Whisperer, a Multi-Passionate Curious Lover of Learning and a Definite Tree Hugger. I have made it my mission to educate, empower, and inspire others through my experience, knowledge, and inspired actions to follow and hold space for Divine Perfection. Archives
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