Hello Hello My Fellow Soul Tribe People,
I hope you are making the most out of what you know and living intentionally. I want to welcome you to my first newsletter of DDOMMJ! I am excited, a brew of emotions as I sit here writing with my new chalcedony rock brought back from the very place I desire to be, Sedona. I am so blessed to have such awesome clients. I can feel the energy reverberating and working its magic! In a few days, on August 20th to be exact. We have Mars entering Gemini. This will be Mars’ home for the next seven months. I wrote an in-depth detailed interpretation of Mars moving into Gemini. I am just one of those people who think there is never enough information and I want to share the possibilities with you and inform you, so I apologize for those of you that are in the beginning of your astro studies, and you are like, “Huh, WTF did you just say? This is too much!” One of the reasons why I love astrology so much. It fuels me as if only gets deeper and deeper, and you never stop learning, or feeling the differences in how all the energies mesh together and manifest in your life. So, I decided to write the newsletter to simplify my in-depth interpretations. One other question, and mostly the reason why I believe we read all this astro info is the basic question of, “How the hell does this affect me?” Well, that is in knowing your charts, and yes, I so did say charts. You have got your foundation-your natal chart, the place you are now, divided into the big picture-your progressed chart, and then you have the guides to help you break it down into your yearly and monthly energy. I use solar returns for my fiscal year, the return of the Sun to its exact degree, normally your birthday, or perhaps the day before or after. Where the Sun lives in your solar return will be the big theme of the year for you. And then to guide through each month, you have your lunar returns-the place where your natal Moon returns to its exact degree every month. These lunar returns help guide through each month in the energy available in how you emotionally or instinctively approach life as it flies by. Ok, so to start simple, knowing where these events are activated in your chart helps immensely, whether you have planets in that area or not, that house and any connected will be activated. This gives you a chance to plan a little more accordingly, or more accurately, a way to grasp the act of living intentionally and flow with this energy instead of resisting it. I mean, come on, don’t we go through life resisting quite a bit more than we should! So back to Mars going into Gemini, this is just one of the astro events coming up. I took a look at the August and September’s astro weather and printed charts for each event, and we have some mad awakening being pushed on us, which, you know, many of us have felt that, have known that this is on the way, but it is kind of extra cool to look at the bigger picture and see the patterns. Grand Kites and T-Squares are dominant this next month and a half, and with Uranus conjunct the North Node, there is one more component that reiterates the “Great Awakening!” I am psyched on that. Not that awakening is easy by any means. More on great awakenings/transformations to be written on DDOMMJ. So, for the highlighted events of the rest of August and September, here you go…. On August 20th, Mars moves into Gemini for the next seven months, where he will turn retrograde on October 30th, 2022, so we can review all our Gemini qualities (and then some). Four days, on August 24th, we have Uranus turning retrograde at 18°, which funny enough, the Sabian symbol states, “A woman airing an old bag through the open window of her room.” AKA... Dane Rudhyar explains this as the cleansing of the ego consciousness. There are major, major aspects on this chart, as my voice sings an opera note. Two grand kites, a mystic rectangle, a fixed T-square, my belly is doing flip flops. Uranus and electrical zaps of clarity and wake-up. A day later, on August 25th, Mercury moves into Libra, a push in the direction of spirituality and our communication with the Divine. Mercury will turn retrograde on September 9th, Mercury’s preshadow started on August 21st. The theme of communication in our relationships and how we can be of service with everyday events. Mercury reiterates the importance of communication when the New Moon occurs in Virgo at 4° on August 27th at 4:17 am EST. Four is the number of foundations, and this is exactly what the chart brings in. With Mars in Gemini, in the 12th house of this chart, and Virgo in the third, we have the energy available and very much pushing us to redirect our thoughts, regroove those neuronal pathways with the information that matters and is important. There will be a lot more clarification that settles in. More to written with this New Moon to come. On September 5th, Venus moves into Virgo, lessons of love and touch bringing lessons from the past, however you may perceive the importance of this subject. The Moon will be on Capricorn this day, bringing karmic lessons even more into the picture with the South Node in Scorpio, and any beliefs we have towards the importance of the issues surrounding our primal needs. It is on September 9th, that Mercury turns retrograde at 4°, typically not a time to sign contracts or begin new projects. Here we are seeing the number four again, laying foundations down in regard to communication. The New Moon in Virgo was at 4°, another place Mercury is strongest, in the more Earthy sense…adding to dense vibe that manifests into form. A grand kite and a mutable T-square continues with the importance of pushing us all out of our comfort zone. The day after, September 10th brings us the Full Moon, for sure to be amplified and emotional, with a Pisces Moon and the Sun in Virgo at 17°. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun states, “A volcanic eruption,” aka, “the explosive energy of long repressed contents of the subconscious.” (Dane Ruhdyar). And the Sabian Symbol of Pisces, “An Easter Parade.” “The capacity inherent in all great sociocultural images to undo the members of a community in a display of excellence.” Oh yes…. Full Moon Madness Babies! And for the change of season, the Autumn Equinox leads after the Full Moon on September 22nd at 9:03 pm EST. There is a Yod in this chart, a rare aspect also known as the Finger of God. The Moon conjunct Ceres in Leo is at the peak of this Yod, the mission of listening to what is really in our hearts, not our minds, not what other people are telling us, or any new restrictions being impaled upon us (with extremely conflicting evidence). There is a gift of ease to align our hearts, mind, and soul with this season coming, if we give ourselves permission to do so. Mercury heads back into Virgo on September 23rd. Relationships with ourselves and others reiterated, the energy to dance new neuronal pathways through our subconscious that can serve us to our highest good. It is wise to remember that we ALWAYS have a choice. The choices may not be easy, may depend on certain sacrifices, but there is always a choice. To amp up our choices, the New Moon in Libra gives us a chance to set our intentions in that direction when the Sun and Moon align at 2°. The Sabian Symbol, “The transmutation of the fruits of the past experiences into the seed realizations of the forever spirit.” We are pushed to maneuver our way through the unknown, no matter how cloudy it may be, and know that we will be okay. A new perception of our relationship with Faith. September ends with Venus moving into Libra on the 29th. Our feelings and intuition will at the heart of her mission this journey. The Moon will be in Scorpio, lending some deep intuitive insight to who and what things really are, as the Moon conjuncts the South Node on this day, bringing up cellular memory, memories and beliefs that must be purged, and the beliefs we need to continue the race of humanity. There you have it, a not so quick read, but somewhat informative outlook on the next month. If you are interested in a consult or reading and figuring out how any of these events will affect your life, go ahead and shoot an email to [email protected]. May you make magic every minute that you can! Blessed Be My Soul Tribe!
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